
Parts Failures

Part Failures: Blame the Part? Or the People?

When parts failures take teams out of a race, those of us on the outside are often quick to suggest something is wrong with the part. But often, it’s that teams are pushing the part outside its intended use. No manufacturer deserves to be pilloried in the press for providing a part that meets specs. […]


Your Yearly Reminder: It is Too Early To Lose Sleep Over Points

Every year, this blog performs a public service by reminding fans not to lose sleep over points your favorite driver has (or hasn’t) accumulated early in the season. This year, however, there’s a special caveat.

So let’s look at why you shouldn’t panic if your driver is low in points. Also why you shouldn’t feel too confident if your driver is way out ahead […]

Next Race: Las Vegas

Graph of the Day

Overview: Las Vegas

Memories are selective, so let’s look at an overview of this Spring’s Las Vegas race and see how it compares to previous races. Start vs. Finish Even though last-lap pitting decisions played a crucial role […]

Graph of the Day

Qualifying Matters at Las Vegas

Qualifying for the Daytona 500 is a long, arduous process — and makes surprisingly little difference. At Las Vegas Motor Speedway (our first mile-and-a-half track) qualifying makes more of a difference. If you want to […]